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Still Image – Final

What do these people have in common?

Will Smith - Actor - ADHD

Cher - Performer - Dyslexic

Sir Richard Branson - CEO of Virgin - Dyslexic

Whoopi Goldberg - Actress - Dyslexic

Jay Leno - TV Host -  Dyslexic

Emma Watson - Actress - ADHD

Terry Bradshaw - NFL - ADHD

Keira Knightley - Actress - Dyslexic

John F Kennedy - President - Dyslexic


This is me, Sarah Hardey, a student at UTD. I was told at a very young age that I would never make it to college, that I would never succeed at anything, and that I was dumb.
Can you believe that?!?!

Changes that were made:

  • removed a few of the still images to make the total count 10.
  • removed text that followed the portraits of famous people.
  • re-sized a few images to have a better flow ad you scroll down the page.
  • added worked cited so you can see what I did to digitally enhanced these images and know who each person is.


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